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Sassquad Trail Running and the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference are proud to present the Squatchy Solstice 5K at the Hilltop Reservation in Cedar Grove, NJ!



¡Únase a nosotros el sábado 8 de febrero de 2025 en la reserva del condado de Ramapo Valley para la carrera SQUATCHY ONESIE FEST 5K! Venga con su mono favorito y prepárese para crear recuerdos de caminatas y carreras por senderos que durarán toda la vida.

¿Te interesa compartir el coche? ¡Consulta el programa de asistencia para compartir el coche de Sassquad!


¡Estamos orgullosos de asociarnos con la Conferencia de senderos de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey ! La Conferencia de senderos de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey es una organización impulsada por voluntarios que construye, mantiene y protege senderos públicos.


5K - $35 (+$5.18 tarifas/impuestos de UltraSignUp)


  • Babero y alfileres de seguridad

  • Artículo de regalo

  • Medalla de finalistas hecha a mano

  • Puesto de socorro con agua, Skratch y snacks

  • Premios para los 3 primeros, hombres, mujeres y personas no binarias (¡deben usar un mono para ganar premios posteriores a la carrera!)


El check-in se realizará entre las 9:15 am y las 9:45 am.

10 am inicio

¡Sin cortes! El recorrido finaliza cuando termina nuestro último excursionista.


This trail party starts and finishes at the Robert J. O'Toole Community Center in Cedar Grove. Once that parking lot fills up, overflow will be directed to the Verona Community Pool, a half of a mile from the start/finish. There are portajohns in the community center parking lot,


The Squatchy Solstice 5K is a scenic tour of the Hilltop Reservation.that highlights the Second Watchung Mountain in Essex County, NJ. The preserved ridgeline is composed of lands formerly included in the grounds of the Essex Mountain Sanatorium, a hospital originally constructed in the early 1900s. This is not a flat course and is mostly hilly (hence the name Hilltop!) singletracks with rocks and roots. We will provide a detailed trail conditions report during race week!We will provide a detailed trail conditions report leading up to the race and include any recommendations for winter traction (spikes). Trekking poles are allowed at all of our events.


El recorrido estará bien marcado con cinta reflectante de color rosa neón. Tenemos grandes flechas direccionales rojas en cada una de las curvas. Para obtener más información sobre cómo marcamos el recorrido y cómo son las cintas y los carteles, acérquese a la Sassquad Trail School ¡Para ver el vídeo informativo sobre las marcas de nuestro curso!


¡Nuestro equipo de voluntarios Dream Team es lo que hace que toda la magia del sendero suceda! Únase a nosotros como voluntario en esta fiesta de senderos mientras apoyamos a nuestra comunidad de corredores squatchtastic. Tenemos muchas oportunidades de voluntariado disponibles, como registro, personal de puestos de asistencia, barrenderos de la pista, etc. ¡Haga clic aquí para ser voluntario!


Esta fiesta en el sendero comienza y termina en la sede de NYNJTC. Cuando llegues al parque, estaciona en el ESTACIONAMIENTO DEL PARQUE. El pequeño estacionamiento en la sede está reservado solo para el personal de NYNJTC. Hay un camino corto a través del bosque que conecta los dos estacionamientos. Haremos el check-in en la sede de NYNJTC para que puedas pasar el rato allí antes y después de la carrera.

¿Te interesa compartir el coche? ¡Consulta el programa de asistencia para compartir el coche de Sassquad!

Q: What's the weather like in Mahwah, NJ in February?

A: I'll explain and I'll use small words so you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon. It will be cold. Probably. Maybe. It could be warm. Check the weather before the race and dress appropriately.

Q: What food will you have at the aid station?

A: MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwichs. And miracle pills. The chocolate coating makes it go down easier. But you have to wait fifteen minutes for full potency. And you shouldn’t go in swimming after, for at least an hour........... No miracle pills. But we will have water (please BYO-cup/bottle!!) pre-packaged single-servings snacks for after the race.

Q: Can I sign my kids up for the Onesie Fest?

A: Yes! We want the WHOLE family to come out to our events! We have a special discount code for families registering 3 or more Squatches in the same household. Please email us ( before you register so we can give you the code! Once you have the code, be sure to register your child separately and agree to the waiver for minors. And make sure to keep track of little Westley and Buttercup before during and after the race. We only have 1 search-party and they're already out there looking for Sasquatch.

Q: This will be my first trail race. What do I need to know?

A: Inconceivable... You fell victim to one of the classic blunders—the most famous of which is, “Never get involved in a land war in Asia”—but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…........ But seriously, we are SO EXCITED that you are choosing a Sassquad event for your first trail race! This is the perfect intro event as the trails are not very difficult. Come ready to have a great time and meet some awesome people!

Q: Can I have a pacer?

A: As with all of our events, Squatchers over the age of 60 and AWD (athletes with disabilities) can have a pacer/guide at any time. Please fill out the pacer registration form ahead of time and be sure to pick-up a pacer bib during check-in! Pacers are not allowed for other runners and hikers without prior approval from the Trail Party Director.

Q: Are there restrooms at the start/finish area?

A: There are restrooms in the Reservation Parking Lot. Use those before you check-in!

Q: I could get lost in a brown paper bag. Will the course be marked?

A: We will have bright colored ribbons along the course and plenty at all of the turns.

Q: What is the course like?

A: VERY MELLOW! There's a little bit of singletrack in the beginning (less than 1/4 mi) and then the rest is packed dirt on a doublewide trail. 

Q: I can't come to the Trail Party anymore, can I get a refund?

A: Like many other race organizations, we do not offer refunds for our events. Please take the time to double check your calendar before registering for a Trail Party. Please understand that we do not offer refunds under any circumstances. If you notify us via email (not through social media, text or phone call) more than 45 days from the date of the Trail Party, we will extend a deferral to any of our events that fall within one calendar year of the Trail Party that you were registered for. If you sustain an injury less than 45 days from the race date, we will extend a deferral if you come to that race to volunteer for at least 4 hours. The race credit is the amount that you paid for the race (not including UltraSignUp fees) so you will need to cover any difference in fees; refunds will not be issued if the deferred event costs less than your race credit. You can only defer one time so please doublecheck that you can make the race you're deferring to.

Q: Can I bring my dog?

A: No, our insurance policy does not cover dogs at any of our events. Thank you for understanding!

Q: Me and my friend aren't registered for the race, but we're still planning on coming to run. We won't eat from the aid station or take a medal or swag. This is okay, right?

A: NO THIS IS NOT OKAY. This is called being a "race bandit" and it is stealing. Not paying for a race and running the race is stealing from the race organization (even if you're not taking food or swag). Don't do this at a Sassquad trail party or ANY other race. It's not okay. And if you hear about someone else doing this, call them out. If you bandit a race, you will be banned from registering for any of our Sassquad events.

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