2025 年 7 月 26 日
2025 年 7 月 26 日星期六,欢迎来到新泽西州西奥兰治的南山保护区,参加 Squatchy Surprise 活动!Squatchy Surprise 将考验您的耐力、策略和心理素质,因为您在赛道上的命运取决于抽签的运气......我们将通过这次 Trail Party 支持我们的慈善合作伙伴Bigger Than The Trail (BTTT) !
We are thrilled to bring back this Sassquad Classic to the Trail Party Schedule! Now at the South Mountain Reservation in West Orange, NJ the Squatchy Surprise is back and better than before! We are excited to offer three different timed events on July 26th and want you to join us for this squatchtastic day! This race is inspired by the TommyKnocker Ultra in Golden, Colorado.
我们很荣幸能与Bigger Than The Trail (BTTT)合作。BTTT 是一家 501(c)(3) 免税组织,利用越野跑作为倡导心理健康的平台。BTTT 的使命是丰富心理健康患者的生活。通过筹款活动,BTTT 为有需要的人提供 3 个月的免费治疗!当您注册参加这个越野跑派对时,请考虑向 BTTT 捐款。
6:15-6:45am 12H check-in
7am - 12H starts
12:15pm-12:45pm 6H check-in
1pm - 6H starts
3:15pm-3:45pm 3H check-in
4pm - 3H starts
6pm - decide if you'll continue drawing golf balls or wait until 6:30pm when the 1/2 mile loop opens up
7pm all events end
有 4 个不同的小径环路和一桶与每个环路颜色相匹配的高尔夫球。在每次环路之前,您将伸手到桶里拿出一个高尔夫球来确定您要完成哪个环路。除了与 4 个不同环路相对应的 4 种彩色高尔夫球外,还会有一个黑色高尔夫球。如果跑步者/徒步旅行者抽出黑色高尔夫球,他们可以选择他们想要完成的任何环路。我们的志愿者梦之队将通过在巨型图表上添加贴纸来跟踪您完成的环路。这意味着我们需要您始终保持您的号码布可见!您将在每次环路后重复此过程,直到下午 6 点。欢迎您与朋友一起跑步/徒步旅行并抽取相同的高尔夫球(您没有资格获得赛后奖励)。
下午 6 点,跑步者必须做出比赛时间决定!抓住机会,继续抽高尔夫球,或者等到下午 6:30 半英里迷你循环开放。你必须选择其中之一!如果你决定继续抽高尔夫球,你就不能继续迷你半英里循环。这意味着,如果你抽到长循环,但无法在剩余时间内完成,那么该循环将不会计入你的最终里程。如果你抽到较短的循环,并在剩余时间内完成,你可以继续冒险,在剩余时间内抽高尔夫球。“你得到你得到的,所以不要生气!”任何在计时器结束前未完成的循环都将不计算在内。我们还提供一次“慈善重赛”。如果你抽到你不喜欢的高尔夫球,你可以在比赛的任何阶段选择使用你的一次慈善重赛来重新抽球。您必须捐赠 20 美元现金或 venmo 才能获得 Charity-Mulligan。慈善重赛收益的 100% 将用于向 Bigger Than The Trail 进行额外捐赠!
如果您决定跑迷你半圈,则必须等到下午 6:30 才能开始累计半英里。计时器结束前未完成的任何圈数均不计算在内。
赛道将用丝带和大型方向箭头 +“错误方向”标志进行清晰标记。方格环路将用方格丝带标记,蓝色环路将用蓝色丝带标记,粉色环路将用粉色丝带标记。所有标记和标志上都有反光胶 带,因此当您在夜间跑步时,您的头灯将照亮标记/标志。
我们的志愿者梦之队让 Trail Magic 成为现实!加入我们,成为这场越野赛的志愿者,支持我们的 squatchtastic 跑步社区。我们提供许多志愿者机会,例如签到、急救站工作人员、赛道清洁工等。单击此处成为志愿者!
志愿者梦之队真正让 Trail Magic 在我们的补给站上演!Squatch HQ(起点/终点在 Tulip Springs)——派对就在这里!这是比赛的唯一补给站(赛道上不会有其他补给)。Squatch HQ 将从早上 7 点到晚上 7 点热闹非凡!我们的志愿者将在整个活动期间随时为您提供帮助。我们努力在活动中提供各种营养和补水。我们提供许多无麸质和素食选择(如有要求,我们提供单独的炊具,可在炉子上制作热素食)。查看下面的菜单项;如果您没有看到您认为可以添加到我们补给站的东西,请给我们留言,我们会看看我们能做些什么!
饮料:水、Skratch、可乐、Flat Coke、咖啡
我们要向Skratch Labs的朋友们致以最诚挚的谢意!Skratch 自 2022 年以来一直赞助我们的 Trail Parties,并在我们的补给站储备了他们令人难以置信的补水产品。活动期间,我们将在 Squatch 总部提供 Skratch Hydration!
与我们所有的活动一样,60 岁以上的 Squatcher 和 AWD(残疾运动员)可以随时拥有一名领跑员/向导。请在 Trail Party 开始前向我们预先注册您的领跑员。60 岁以下且非 AWD 的人员不允许担任领跑员。
所有跑步者/徒步者都可以在活动期间让一名工作人员加入 Trail Party。工作人员只能在 Squatch 总部使用。工作人员不能在赛道上的任何其他地方为跑步者/徒步者提供帮助。如果工作人员预计跑步者/徒步者在活动期间需要冰块,则鼓励工作人员携带冰块。
欢迎工作人员在 Squatch 总部指定区域搭建自己的弹出式帐篷。所有帐篷和天篷必须用木桩固定/加重(如果不用木桩固定,它们会飞走)。请勿非法停车。

答:天气炎热潮湿,甚至下雨。做好一切准备。比赛的邮政编码是 07052。
A: We will have a wide variety of traditional ultra running food, as well as many vegan and gluten-free items. You are more than welcome to bring your own food/water and setup your own aid station in the parking lot. You will come back to the lot after every loop.
答:不,这是不对的。这叫做“比赛强盗”,是偷窃。不支付比赛费用而参加比赛就是从比赛组织方偷窃(即使你没有拿食物或赃物)。不要在 Sassquad 越野赛派对或任何其他比赛中这样做。这是不对的。如果你在比赛中强盗,你将被禁止报名参加我们的任何 Sassquad 活动。
A: YES! If at any point you decide that you're finished running and you do not want to go out for another loop please tell a volunteer so we know that you are no longer out on the course.
问: 我可以使用起搏器吗?
A: As with all of our events, Squatchers over the age of 60 and AWD (athletes with disabilities) can have a pacer/guide at any time. Please fill out the pacer registration form ahead of time and be sure to pick-up a pacer bib during check-in! Pacers are not allowed for other runners and hikers without prior approval from the Trail Party Director.
问:我可以帮我的孩子报名参加 Trail Party 吗?
A: Yes! This is a family friendly event. However, YOU are responsible for your kids and need to run with them. Be sure to register your child separately and agree to the waiver for minors. Please keep track of Mikey, Chunk and Data before, during and after the race. We only have 1 search-party and they're already out there looking for Sasquatch.
A: We will have bright colored ribbons along the course and plenty at all of the turns.
A: Everything. OK, I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! ...But the worst thing I ever done: I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. And I never felt so bad in my entire life!
A: There are portajohns at the start/finish area.
A: We'll be serving fettucini alfredo, with a bottle of fettucine, a 1981........ Yeah right. We'll have pre-packaged items that should appeal to most runners: chips, granola bars, pretzels as well as hot food items etc. etc. (If Chunk and Sloth register, we will be sure to have some Baby Ruths and Rocky Road Ice Cream)
问:我不能再参加 Trail Party 了,可以退款吗?
A: Like many other race organizations, we do not offer refunds for our events. Please take the time to double check your calendar before registering for a Trail Party. Please understand that we do not offer refunds under any circumstances. If you notify us via email (not through social media, text or phone call) more than 21 days from the date of the Trail Party, we will extend a deferral to any of our events that fall within one calendar year of the Trail Party that you were registered for. If you sustain an injury less than 21 days from the race date, we will extend a deferral if you come to that race to volunteer for at least 4 hours. If the race that you want to drop from is sold-out with an active wait-list and are able to fill your spot: if you notify us via email (not through social media, text or phone call) at least 3 days before the race, we will extend a deferral to any of our events that fall within one calendar year of the Trail Party that you were registered for. The race credit is the amount that you paid for the race (not including UltraSignUp fees) so you will need to cover any difference in fees; refunds will not be issued if the deferred event costs less than your race credit. You can only defer one time so please doublecheck that you can make the race you're deferring to.